Thursday, January 5, 2012

Days Gone By

 Program, ISO 3200, 1/200, f/5

(I had been experimenting with my exposure and ISO while we were at the ranch.  It was a very cloudy overcast day when I shot this.)


  1. Really neat subject with that soft background.

  2. Nicole, this is a great subject. I am surprised with an ISO that high, your picture wasn't completely blown out. It isn't. Are you using any kind of editing tool, like Picasa, IPhoto, etc? If so, try making it a little darker so the contrast shows more. The composition is great. Since you are playing around with ISO, just know that the higher you get it, the more "noise" (grainy appearance) will be in the picture.

  3. I am using Picasa, the only thing I did to this picture was cropped it, sharpen it a little and warmed it up a little. I really didn't do much to the picture at all. I was shocked when I read the properties on this picture due to the fact the ISO was so high. It was a very overcast day. I was really playing with my exposure because of how dreary the day was. I will definitely play with the contrast more; I'm fearful of making things too dark. Thanks for the advice! I love the feedback.
