Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Manual, ISO 400, 1/60, f/5.6


  1. Hi Nicole - I am Martha's fiend one of the Hot Shots! I finally took some time and looked at your pictures! You have a good eye and are creative with your shots! Question - what are you shooting with, what lens and what program do you edit with?

  2. I have a Canon Rebel T3i - 18 megapixel. I bought it with a kit lens, 18-55mm, which I shoot with most of the time. I also bought a 75-250mm lens, but I haven't used it very much. I am using Picasa to edit my pictures right now. I've been trying to shoot and do as little editing to them as possible but I am struggling with keeping my shutter speed and ISO balanced indoors, so I usually have to tune the color slightly, not much usually. I like to crop out "junk" so the subject stands out more. I love all of Martha's suggestions, please feel free to help me. I also need to by an external flash.....baby steps, but plan to soon.
